Density Influence of Bamboos Cluster to Reduce Damage Caused by Wind

December 27, 2011

Disasters caused by wind which often happen and create many losses socially and economically. Economic losses reach almost 2 billion rupiah while social losses cause post-disaster social problem. Environmental-friendly technologies are needed to reduce those effects. One of natural science used to decrease wind disaster is bamboo usage as natural wind barrier.
Bamboos have been known by rural community as village border and wild animal attack and other benefits. This research aims to examine bamboo cluster potency as natural wind barrier by using simple model with undistorsion physical model study with dependent factors, they are bamboos density with 3 density approaches, density without bamboo (control), density I (6 m), density II (4 m), and density III (2 m) at scale 1 : 100. The result of research showed density I : II : III could decrease damage 65,38 %: 80,79%: 100%  than variable control. The density of bamboo cluster could inhibit damage and danger caused by material brought by wind. By density material 1: 2: 3 which is relatively brought decreased by calculation 17.8: 16.2: 7.8 than control 17.6. Density of bamboo cluster gives significant effect to inhibit wind disaster and reduce material that is brought.*

*oral presentation at Humboldt Kolleg-International Conference on Natural Sciences (ICONS) 2011

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